Size matters, but how?

Hello again! Talking about telescopes, is size important? Well, as always, it depends on what you want to do: Planetary or Deep Sky Objects (DSO) Some maths! This, like many other things, can be solved using maths. So let's define a couple of formulas Maximum magnifications: As the name says, it is the maximum magnifications you can reach with your telescope. For this we need to know the aperture of the telescope: maximum_mag = 2 * telescope_aperture maximum_mag_newtonian = 1.8 * telescope_aperture I do the distinction between Newtonian telescopes and others because on Newtonians the factor is more close to 1.8 to 2. Magnification with eyepiece/sensor: Different eyepieces/sensors give us different magnifications. For calculating these magnifications we just need to know the focal length of the telescope and, for eyepieces, the focal length of the eyepiece; for sensors, we need to know the length of the diagonal: magnifications_eyepiece = telescope...